Thursday, September 22, 2011

Contributions for Bradford Place entrance care

Stephanie Edwards has been graciously collecting contributions and coordinating expenditures for lawn and plant care at the entrances of Bradford Place.

Stephanie and Jimmy are planning on moving soon, so we will be contacting them to see how to best continue the service.

Currently there is no active Home Owner Association for Bradford Place. We are open to comments and suggestions.

Hal Ellison
Past President


benningtonpointe said...

I don't know what it takes to start or re-open a homeowners assocation. If we don't restart one, I think we should at least all contribute our fare share in the upkeep of both entrances.
That explains why I have not gotten the letter in the mail over the past year or so.

After you talk with them please post on here what we can do, or what needs to be done to keep what we have going.

I am all for a homeowners assocation like we had when I moved here as well.

I had a new neighbor move in last year. When I talked with him about this topic, he said his realtor never mentioned a homeowners assoc, but he said he wouldn't mind having one and contributing to one at all. I remember our dues in the past were like $75.00 a year or something very close to that? (correct me if I am wrong)

I would be willing to bet that most of the sub-division would be willing to contribute towards something like a homeowners assoc, or some kind of "upkeep fund".

Streck said...

Thanks for your comment. A couple of us are in the process of resurrecting a process to collect funds to pay for continued care of planting and lawns at the entrances. You should receive a letter this week.

Hal Ellison
Past president
Bradford Place Homeowners Association