Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bradford Place home for sale

The home at 110 Bennington Point is for sale. Info may be found at the following link: http://mls.jacksonrealtor.com/JacksonReports/ListitLib/report_builder.aspx?report=public_full_prop1&m1=kJSyyhvb&footer=57554852&header=57554852&maillog_id=4079764370


benningtonpointe said...

Do we still have a homeowners assocation? I have not gotten a letter from it, in two years. I went to the city of Madison's website, and it says our assocation is "inactive".
What is the deal?

Streck said...

See new post regarding contributions for entrance up-keep.

Streck said...

This post has been left up for your information. The house has apparently been sold, so this post will be taken down soon.