Monday, August 10, 2009

Bradford Place Overlay District

The city is offering a new service to all subdivisions! The city will enforce our Covenants if requested.

We need to let the city know that we are interested in participating in this. The city will give us an opportunity to up-date our Covenenants or add any other separate provisions that we think are important. The city will help us with wording of the provisions. The city will let us know which ones they can enforce, and which ones are already in city ordinances.

The city will then create a Bradford Place Overlay District, which will place our requirements in the city ordinances. This will give them authority to enforce them.

Sundial has already had their Overlay District approved and established. Traceland North is working on theirs. We could be next.

If anyone is interested in what the provisions should be, they should contact our homeowner association, or place a suggestion comment or question here.

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